Paedophile Jailed for Rape of Teen After Drug Grooming

Robert Davies (Image: Gwent Police)

Last Updated: January 20, 2025

A man who repeatedly raped a teenage girl and introduced her to hard drugs has been sentenced to 15 years in prison at Newport Crown Court.

Robert Davies, 42, from Bargoed, Caerphilly, was found guilty of four counts of rape of a girl aged over 13. The court heard how Davies groomed his vulnerable victim, teaching her to use crack cocaine and demanding intimate photos to share with others.

Judge Daniel Williams stated: “You and your associates sacrificed (the victim) for your warped sexual gratification.”

In a powerful statement to the court, the victim said: “(Davies) was an older man who preyed on my vulnerability and young age, I came to realise this man took advantage of a young innocent child so he could get his own gratification. He took away my innocence and virginity. For all the nights I was with him he wanted nothing more than sex from me, I froze because I was scared, my stomach turned and I lost my voice because I was unable to say no and unable to stand up to him. I was a young child in the hands of a sexual predator.”

Davies will serve two-thirds of his sentence in custody before release on licence. He has been made subject to indefinite restraining order and sex offender notification requirements. 👨‍⚖️

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